Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Catholic Church free essay sample

As pre-determined, any religious principles in the Reformation were to be tolerated. As written in (DOC ) this piece of writing Concerning Heretics presents the religious anarchy ad chaos to story religions. Also, (Doc) presents the contract between the Catholic Church and the municipal council in Saxon. It describes the struggles of the Lutheran in their ways of singing and being present in sermons. It goes into further detail to proclaim that the Catholic Church schedule must not be interfered with or pushed back whatsoever.In (Doc), the contract between Franciscan Friar Guides De Glasses and the Committee of Regents of the city of Amsterdam authorized the opening of a new Catholic Church in 1691. In further detail, it describes how the entrance must for church sermons and such must be moved from the main street to an alleyway so it is less offensive. All objects, like a rosary, must not be apparent, otherwise offense is taken. -The Church was founded by the words and actions of Jesus Christ fulfilled by his redeeming cross and his resurrection. The Church Revealed by the Holy Spirit -The Holy Spirit was sent on the day of Pentecost in order that he might continually anctify the Church. -By nature the Church is missionary -So that she can fulfill her mission, the Holy Spirit bestows varied hierarchic and charismatic gifts The Church-perfected in Glory -The Church will receive its perfection only in the glory of heaven at the time of Christ glorious return. -The Church is a Pilgrim Church. The Mystery of the Church -The Church is in history but at the same time she transcends it. Christ established and sustains the Church he founded to communicate truth and grace to all men. The Church at the same time: -A society structured with hierarchical organs and the mystical body of Christ -A isible society and a spiritual community -An earthly Church and the Church endowed with heavenly riches. Nuptial union ot Christ and -Christ revealed himself as the purpose of Gods plan in the Church -The Church in this world is the Sacrament of Salvation, the sign and -instrument of the communion of God men. The Church as People of God -God is not a property of any people -One becomes a member of this people not by a physical birth but by faith in Christ and Baptism -The people has its head Jesus Christ. -Its law is the commandment of love. -Its mission is to be salt of the earth and light of the world. Its destiny is the Kingdom of God. -The whole people of God participate in the three offices of Christ namely the priestly, prophetic and royal office of Christ. The Church as the Body of Christ -The Church is in Communion of Christ who is the Head and the Bridegroom of the Church. -The people are united around the Body of Christ. There is unity in diversity of the Church of God. The Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic The Church is One The Church is one because of her source: The highest exemplar and source of this mystery is the Unity in the Trinity of persons in One God, the Church is one because f her founder. This One Church has been marked with great diversity. What are the bonds of unity? Charity Visible bonds of communion: profession of One faith received from the Apostles; common celebration of divine worship especially the sacraments, apostolic succession through the sacrament of Holy orders. The Church is Holy -This is because , Christ the Son of God, who with the Father and the Spirit is hailed as holy, love the Church as his Bride, giving himself up for her so as to sanctify her. The Church is the Holy People of God. -It is in the Church that the fullness of the means of salvation has been deposited. The Church is Catholic Catholic means universal Why the Church is Catholic? -The Church is Catholic because Christ is present in her

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